Parent Support Groups

Welcome to the Ipswich Grammar School community

All parents are members of the IGS Parents’ and Friends’ (P&F) Association simply by having their sons enrolled at our great school. As part of the P&F and the wider IGS community our parents and friends have the benefit of being part of a collegiate group who work in close association with the school for the betterment of our boys.

Parents’ and Friends' Association

The P&F is our main parent body and, as well as being a pro-active voice in the IGS community, the P&F provides a valuable liaison between the wider parent body and the school. In this role, the P&F represents the parent body on various decision-making committees within the school.

It also supports the School in providing educational facilities and experiences for students to achieve personal exceptional performance during their formative years at IGS.

The P&F supports the parents by giving them the opportunity to play an active role in their son’s education at IGS and arranging social and fundraising activities for the benefit of their sons - all of which are run on a voluntary basis.

You are encouraged to become actively involved in the P&F and the Parent Support Groups to build on your own experience within the IGS community.

We look forward to meeting you at one of our many events.

Parent Support Groups

Parent Support Groups work in partnership with the P&F enabling parents to work with the IGS staff in supporting the sports and activities in which their sons participate.

The Parent Support Groups organise fundraising and social events for these sports and activities during the year, all intended to provide additional opportunities for our boys. Being directly involved with the activities that are of particular interest to your son holds great value for you and your son during his time at IGS.

A Quick Contacts List of the Parent Support Groups and their contact details is available on the P&F Schoolbox page.

Contact Us

We understand that not all parents are able to attend P&F meetings or help at the school during school hours however you can still contribute as a P&F member by providing feedback and suggestions.

In Person Come to a P&F Meetings (check the School calendar for dates)
Online Add the P&F to your Groups on Schoolbox and join the Facebook Group and keep up to date