Learning Enrichment

At Ipswich Grammar School Grammar School, we believe that learning enrichment is a vital component in broadening and extending a student’s education. We offer a comprehensive range of enrichment activities (competitive and non-competitive) across both the Junior and Secondary Schools for students who want to extend beyond the mainstream curriculum.

Embracing the academic ethos of the school, our wide variety of enrichment activities are tailored to meet the individual needs and interests of our boys, ensuring that they meet their academic and intellectual potential, discover or hone leadership skills and simply have lots of fun.

Additionally, students may be invited to participate in the Bradfield Program which is designed to nurture and strengthen their intellectual talent and to encourage and maintain their passion for exceptional performance in the academic domain.

IGS Enrichment Activities
Prep to Year 12
Year 5 to 12
Future Problem Solving
Year 5 to 9
GPS Days of Excellence
Year 5 to 12
Maths Olympiad
Year 5 to 7
Tournament of the Minds
Year 5 to 10
Duke of Edinburgh
Year 10 to 12
The Bradfield Academic Enrichment Program
Year 7 to 9