Student Wellbeing

Student wellbeing is essential for both academic and social development, and is optimised by safe, supportive, and respectful learning environments. It is a shared responsibility between students, parents, teachers, and the whole community.

The IGS Wellbeing Program is a customised program to suit the needs of our students from Prep to Year 12 and designed to enhance personal growth, address relevant contemporary issues and be holistic.

It is underpinned by the IGS values of Resilience, Honour and Belonging which help build healthy young men with strong character.

Through our programs we encompass age-related issues confronting boys as they move through childhood to early adolescence and manhood. The school strives to achieve this through many diverse initiatives and activities that constitute the school’s wellbeing program. They are supported by the school’s academic program, extra-curricular offerings, wellbeing services, and other life-enriching experiences.

Junior School Wellbeing Program (Prep to Year 6)

In the Junior School we utilise the “You Can Do It!” program to enhance wellbeing. The boys investigate what it means to be resilient, act with honour, and belong to IGS. More specifically, the boys learn how to regulate their emotions and get along together even though they may have different interests, personalities, and backgrounds. The program seeks to instil confidence, develop life skills, and grow important personal skills in the boys. As they transition into the Secondary School, the boys start to develop important strategies to help them cope with feelings of worry and anxiety while keeping them engaged in activities like camps and adventure days to develop positivity and happiness.

Secondary School Wellbeing Program (Year 7 to Year 12)

In the Secondary School we customise topics to suit the needs of our boys for each year level/life stage. In Term 1 of a Year 7 – 12 journey, boys visit and re-visit our school values and how these are to be demonstrated each day through their interactions with others. We want boys to recognise resilience, honour and belonging in their relationships, classrooms, the competitive arena, at home, and in the broader community.

Complementing the development of our school’s values, the wellbeing program aims to educate boys in Year 7-12 about significant contemporary topics that impact their lives and the lives of other people. These topics, such as Embracing Diversity, Resolving Conflict, Developing Respectful Relationships, Managing Stress, Celebrating Difference and Making Positive Choices are examined through different lenses significant to each cohort.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care at IGS is integral in enabling our boys to develop a strong sense of belonging and connection as a student, peer, role model, and part of the larger community. Every boy is nurtured and supported by exceptional teachers and staff who will help them to develop to their full potential. In Junior school, pastoral care is delivered and monitored by their classroom teachers and support staff. In Senior school, a Head of Year (HOY) is appointed to each year level. Where possible, the HOY moves with the same cohort of secondary boys each year, encouraging a strong and dedicated relationship with each student and his family to monitor not only their academic progress, but also their social and emotional wellbeing. A dedicated School Counsellor provides additional expert support and guidance to all boys at IGS, offering both proactive care alongside the management of issues arising from time-to-time across the school community.

At the bottom of the page where it lists “complementary programs and services” can you replace it with this…

  • Student Counselling
  • Career Counselling
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Buddy Experiences
  • Round Square
  • Camps and Adventure Programs
  • Transition Programs
  • Health Care Centre
  • Boarding Extracurricular Activities

Complementary Programs and Services

At IGS, some of our day-to-day programs and services are considered integral to student wellbeing. These programs and services are offered at varying stages throughout a boys’ journey at IGS. As with our Junior and Secondary Wellbeing programs, our school values underpin these offerings and aim to strengthen our boys’ overall health and wellbeing. Some of these programs, like HPE, are offered as standard throughout a boy’s life here at IGS, while other services like camps and adventure days are offered when appropriate.

Regardless, these program and services are another important part of the development of IGS boys:

  • Health and Physical Education
  • Buddy Experiences
  • Round Square
  • Camps and Adventure Programs
  • Transition Programs
  • Health Care Centre
  • Counselling
  • Careers Guidance
  • Boarding Extracurricular Activities