
Ipswich Grammar School offers a variety of scholarships providing financial assistance to families from all areas and backgrounds. Domestic students are welcome to apply for any of the following:

  • Academic Scholarship
  • Special Abilities Scholarship - Sport and Activities
  • Special Abilities Scholarship - Instrumental and Vocal Music
  • Indigenous Scholarship

The above scholarships are awarded for a maximum 3-year period at a time and are automatically reviewed at the end of this period to be renewed. The partial discount applies to Tuition Fees only and does not include boarding fees.

Students entering Years 7 to 11 are eligible to apply for a Scholarship which will be awarded dependent on availability. Applications are accepted anytime throughout the year.

Please note that a written application must be received for consideration before any assessment or formal offer can be made. Each application is assessed on an individual basis and treated in a confidential matter. Applications will be assessed by the Headmaster and if short-listed, the applicant will be invited to attend an interview with the Deputy Headmaster. Following this interview, you will receive an email from the Headmaster with an outcome.

All scholarship applications must be submitted in PDF Format. No hard copies will be accepted (no staples and no display folders please.)

Scholarships for Year 7

Students (new or existing students) are welcome to apply any time throughout the year prior to commencing, or once they have received their Year 5 Naplan Report.

Scholarships for Years 8 to 11

Applications will be accepted from new or existing students at any time throughout the year and will be assessed on an individual basis and dependent on availability.

New Students Applying for a Scholarship and entry into IGS

The following will be requested as part of your application:

  1. Application for Enrolment including the $150 application Fee
  2. Scholarship Application Form
  3. Two most recent semester school reports
  4. A copy of Year 5 or 7 Naplan Report
  5. A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate
  6. A copy of the parent/guardians’ driver’s licence/s
  7. ACER Scholarship Exam Registration and $120 ACER Registration Fee (applicable only to students applying for an academic scholarship)

Existing IGS Students Applying for a Scholarship

The following will be requested as part of your application:

  1. Scholarship Application Form
  2. ACER Scholarship Exam Registration (only students applying for an academic scholarship)

Conditions of Scholarship

  1. Scholarship holder’s overall performance must reflect real effort and achievement on his part and he will demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the extracurricular/GPS programs of IGS.
  2. Scholarship holder’s achievements, conduct and efforts will be monitored through a performance management process which will seek to support his success at IGS.
  3. Scholarship holder’s must adhere to the Ipswich Grammar School’s Code of Conduct at all times. Parents must read and understand the School’s Code of Conduct and support the Code completely.
  4. The School Fees account must be paid by the Term due dates.
  5. Parents are responsible for the payment of uniforms, textbooks, stationery and some non-curriculum related expenses, in addition to the School Fees payment. These will be paid as and when due.
  6. Parents acknowledge that the award of a Scholarship is a matter the School requires to be kept absolutely confidential. Parents or students will not disclose, either directly or indirectly, to any person either the amount of the Scholarship or the fact that they are in receipt of a Scholarship from the School.
  7. Failure to comply with any of the above conditions will result in the Scholarship being terminated and the Scholarship amount being added back onto our account.

For a copy of the Scholarship Application Form please contact the Enrolments Manager on (07) 3813 9604 or

Applicants are welcome to apply for a scholarship in any one of these areas below, or a combination of two or more.


Ipswich Grammar School celebrates academic excellence and is committed to supporting students who have demonstrated a potential to benefit from our academic and co-curricular programs.

Students who sit the ACER Scholarship exam will be assessed as preference in the first round of offers.

To apply for an Academic Scholarship via the ACER exam, please register online here. Registrations for ACER costs $120.

Registrations for the ACER Scholarship Exam for 2025 (2026 entry) will open in October 2024. If your son has missed the opportunity to sit the ACER exam, the school will still accept late submissions.

Key Criteria for Academic Scholarships

  • Overall academic performance and future potential
  • Diligence and application in academic studies
  • Achievement and involvement in other areas of excellence such as performing arts, visual arts, sport, music, debating or other relevant areas
  • A demonstrated sense of community
  • Leadership capacity
  • School results, Naplan report and ACER Exam results
  • Students who sit the ACER Scholarship exam will be given priority


Sport Scholarships are granted to students who can make a significant contribution to the school in one or more of the following areas:

  • Basketball
  • Chess
  • Cricket
  • Debating
  • Football
  • Cross-Country
  • Rugby
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Track and Field
  • Volleyball

Key Criteria for Scholarships in Sports and Activities

  • Overall sound academic performance
  • Regional, State or National representation in chosen GPS sport/activity in recent years and future potential
  • A demonstrated sense of community
  • Diligence and application in sport and academic studies
  • Leadership Capacity

Applicants are NOT expected to participate in any type of trials hosted by the school.


Music scholarships are granted to students who can make a significant contribution to the school.

In addition to the application requirements mentioned above, students are also expected to submit a resume of achievements, including your principal instrument, along with the most recent official examination report and ensemble experience. Applicants are expected to audition with the Director of Performance.

Key Criteria for Instrumental and Vocal Music Scholarships

  • Overall sound academic performance
  • A demonstrated sense of community
  • A standard of achievement through AMEB or Trinity College certification at the corresponding level:
    • Year 7 - Grade 3
    • Year 8 - Grade 4
    • Year 9 - Grade 5
    • Year 10 - Grade 6
  • Diligence and application in extra-curricular, music and academic studies
  • Leadership Capacity

Audition requirements

  1. Perform two contrasting pieces
  2. Recite technical work comparable with their certified level of achievement
  3. Complete a short sight-reading task

Scholarship holders must:

  • Participate in the Voices of Grammar choir for the duration of the award
  • Attend all performances for which they are required
  • Attend all rehearsals scheduled for their respective ensembles


Ipswich Grammar School is a proud partner of the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF), working together to provide scholarship funding for Indigenous Students from Year 7 to Year 12. Indigenous Student Scholarships are for boarding students only.

AIEF brings together the government and private sectors to provide scholarship funding for Indigenous students to complete Year 12, with career support to help them successfully transition to further tertiary studies or employment.

Scholarships are available to Indigenous students who demonstrate financial need, are eligible for ABSTUDY and whose family or guardians support and encourage the enrolment and the Scholarship.

For a copy of the Scholarship Application Form please contact the Enrolments Manager on (07) 3813 9604 or