From the 17th Headmaster, Dr Adam Forsyth

Thursday 03 Oct 2024
Adam Forsyth at Foundation Day

As I step into my first few weeks as Headmaster of Ipswich Grammar School, I find myself reflecting deeply on the journey that has brought me here – one which began within these very walls many years ago.

Walking the halls again as an Old Boy, I’m reminded of the moments and lessons that shaped me, not just as a student, but as a person. In preparation for Foundation Day, I couldn’t help but think back to the teachers who guided me along the way. It wasn’t grand gestures that made the difference; it was the small, consistent acts of encouragement - words of wisdom and support from those who pushed me to keep going when things got tough.

This is what makes IGS so special. It’s not just a place for academic achievement; it’s a place where Resilience, Honour, and Belonging are nurtured. These values have formed the foundation of our school since its beginnings in 1863, preparing young men not just for exams, but for life.

As I settle into my new role, my commitment is to uphold and strengthen these values. To the young men of IGS, my message is simple: You may not always know where your journey will take you, but you are in the right place. You are surrounded by people who believe in you and will guide you, just as I was guided during my time here.

Foundation Day lets us celebrate the Resilience, Honour, and sense of Belonging which have defined IGS for generations. Together, we will continue to build on this proud tradition, ensuring every boy who walks through these gates leaves with the skills, confidence, and character to succeed in whichever path he chooses.

Adam Forsyth
