Tony Dosen
Deputy Headmaster
Master of Education - Leadership and Management
Harvard University, Leadership: An Evolving Vision
Diploma of Legal Studies
Diploma of Teaching Secondary – Commercial (Accounting and Legal Studies)
Deputy Headmaster of Ipswich Grammar School, Tony Dosen brings a wealth of educational expertise, spanning not only public and private schools across Queensland, but also includes advanced leadership training at Harvard University.
This experience has enabled him to author four textbooks, and he has also served as the President of the Business Educators' Association of Queensland (BEAQ).
Tony is a strong advocate for Explicit Teaching and is committed to developing an academic and extra-curricular framework that caters for the needs of boys, to foster their engagement and support their learning journey, strengthening their teamwork, resilience and leadership skills.
As an ardent cricket enthusiast, Tony's commitment to student development transcends the confines of the classroom, as evidenced by his years of coaching numerous cricket teams across different schools.